Sorry I haven’t been posting, but I’ve been having some lower back and sciatic problems that make it difficult to sit at the computer very long. I’ve decided to spend my time at the computer primarily on finishing my book, for now. See you soon!
Sorry I haven’t been posting, but I’ve been having some lower back and sciatic problems that make it difficult to sit at the computer very long. I’ve decided to spend my time at the computer primarily on finishing my book, for now. See you soon!
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Seems like practically everyone I read has all but ceased blogging, including me. It’s like some sort of bug going around. Is that possible? I just suddenly ran out of ideas. Take it easy. Probably the urge will return. I think.
Comment by Eric Mayer — March 28, 2007 @ 3:50 pm
Sorry about your back. I hope you feel better very soon. And I’ll be checking in to see when you return.
And the book is more important.
Comment by cassie-b — March 29, 2007 @ 2:36 am
Goodness, nothing worse than an acheing back when inspiration and intent is there. Don’t worry, we’ll keep checking in with you.
Comment by susan — March 29, 2007 @ 4:05 am
Miss your posts, but know you’ll blog again… as soon as your back heals. In the meantime, good luck with your book, and feel better soon.
Comment by Bruce — March 29, 2007 @ 5:38 am
My back is lots better today. I was miserable for a couple of days. Probably a combination of weather, humidity, and moving or sleeping the wrong way in just the wrong sequence — like those tricky things cars do that never repeat for the mechanic. Every time this happens, it feels like the worst pain ever until it settles down.
I do have to reprioritize my time, but I’ll check in.
Comment by Barbara — March 29, 2007 @ 4:09 pm
Sorry to hear about your back. Sciatic problems I can relate. Chiropractic appts took care of that otherwise it was soooo painful.
Comment by Susan — April 1, 2007 @ 6:36 am