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February 26, 2006

Another Violet

The other day my husband came across a site I think is pretty special.

A poetic, illustrated tale titled Violet Footprints by another Barbara. It’s one of the best things I’ve read on the Internet, and it left me feeling good.

When I reached the end, I decided maybe the “Violet” who left the footprints in the story was a _________. (Fill in your choice.)

I predict this author has a bright future.

File: — Barbara @ 12:50 pm PST, 02/26/06
Similar posts: Four Meme and Who Is This Shrinking Violet Person Anyway?
February 19, 2006


There are times when dialogue seems to come by means of mental torture and pretzel twisting, and to be the most difficult writing I do. I continue to learn. In reading through my second draft, a few weeks ago, I checked for those places where the story dragged or faltered, and I found those were often the same places where dialogue stumbled or rambled on too long. Nothing much seemed to be happening, even though something was, because I’d buried it inside too many words.

I got lost in the accompanying narrative, the setting, the characters’ activities, movements, body language, or overwrought cleverness. Sometimes I bogged down in the minutiae of sighing, nodding and eye gazing. Writers can get so caught up visualizing each detail of character interaction they rob readers of their mental interplay, their own visualizations based on common human experience. We presume readers don’t know how a character might deliver a line in a given situation. The stream of dialogue reads as dammed up where it should flow. It loses its surface tension, its sparkle, and its undercurrent. It becomes stagnant.

File: — Barbara @ 10:39 am PST, 02/19/06
Similar posts: High Rhymes and Misdemeanors by Diana Killian
February 11, 2006

Fond memories, anxiety, and back to the book

Yesterday brought news of a death in the family, of a beloved aunt—actually my mom’s cousin. She lived in Oregon, and I hadn’t seen her much since I was a kid. But all my memories of her are fond ones, and I miss her, and I know her two daughters and son and grandchildren miss her an awful lot. I hope she, her husband, my mom, and all the other relatives who’ve gone on before are having a happy reunion on the other side. I can almost hear them, and I like that thought. It brings back memories of family get togethers when I was a kid and would sometimes sit and listen to all the grownups talk and tell stories.


After a quiet day yesterday, I woke early this morning (early for me, anyway), to sirens, thinking I’ve never lived in a place with so many sirens, even when we rented within a couple miles of Montgomery Field and one of the busiest intersections in San Diego. But here we’re right off the main road that runs through town. This morning the sirens were especially disconcerting, and I decided maybe I’d had too much coffee.

February 10, 2006

Four Meme

Vikk at Down the Writer’s Path tagged me for the Four Meme.

Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Library Reference Room Page
2. Editorial Assistant
3. Technical Writer-Editor
4. Novelist

File: — Barbara @ 1:33 pm PST, 02/10/06
Similar posts: Meme du Jour and Habitual Meme
February 5, 2006

While I wasn’t blogging

Linking the past days together— It’s Super Bowl Sunday, and I didn’t know. Isn’t that usually in January? I don’t pay attention to professional sports, and some years my only clue about when that event occurs is the date they tell you the winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes will be announced, which doesn’t apply to me, since I don’t enter. If Ed McMahon shows up at my door it’s more likely to be about Neighborhood Watch, or because he just spoke to Johnny Carson and he’s heard I have an interest in contact with the other side. (more…)

File: — Barbara @ 3:30 pm PST, 02/05/06
Similar posts: Gone Fishing, Why we blog, Writing every day, Writing but not blogging and Habitual Meme




Some Personal Favorites:

Eight of Swords
Eight of Swords
, by David Skibbins

The Probable Future
The Probable Future
, by Alice Hoffman

Life of Pi
Life of Pi
, by Yann Martel

High Rhymes and Misdemeanors (A Poetic Death Mystery), by Diana Killian

Verse of the Vampyre (A Poetic Death Mystery), by Diana Killian

Four for a Boy
Four for a Boy, by Mary Reed, Eric Mayer

Books on Creativity and Writing:

The Writer's Mentor
, by Cathleen Rountree

Finding Your Voice
Finding Your Voice
, by Les Edgerton

The Writing Life
The Writing Life, by Annie Dillard

Writing Down the Bones
Writing Down the Bones, by Natalie Goldberg

The Art of Fiction
The Art of Fiction, by John Gardner

On Becoming a Novelist
On Becoming a Novelist, by John Gardner

February 2006
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