This is the time of year we like to make resolutions, basically promises to ourselves about how we’ll live the year to come. For some of us it’s goals, like losing weight, spending more time with family, making more money. For some it’s measured in productivity, or in making the most of the finite amount of time we’re given each year.
I’ve had mixed success with resolutions. Some I’ve succeeded with, some have been failures. I try these days to come up with no-fail things, like getting more in touch with my true desires, what’s really important to me. That was my resolution last year. This is also the time I like to review what I’ve done over the past year.
During 2006 I’ll work on my attitude. The mindset I meet each day with. How I feel not only about my actions, and myself, but also about everyone and everything. Do I judge others, or do I let them be? Do I state a desire and let it go, or do I act on it? Do I act simply and with patience, or do I demand and hang on tenaciously—and if so, to what? What’s really important? When is it time to act and when is it time to back off and let things develop, to be patient?
The Dalai Lama teaches, in Advice On Dying, a need to be continuously aware of how short this physical life is, so we’re always mindful of the need to keep learning, growing, and living with purpose, including our preparation for the next life, whatever that may be. What this life’s purpose is may be up to each individual, but I think it’s also important to remember how each of us affects every other individual, every other thing on the planet, and even, in these days of space travel, the universe. How much impact does each of us have? That’s a mystery no one here has all the answers to, but it gives pause. Does each thought, each action, each word we speak, reverberate in the universe forever? Where does it end?
Whatever you focus on this year, may it bring you happiness, satisfaction, and a deeper commitment to life.
Many blessings to you and yours for a Happy New Year!
These sound like good resolutions. Too many people resolve to achieve outcomes, which are often beyond our control. Better to resolve to work on our attitudes and other things we can control. Hope the new year does bring you some good outcomes anyway!
Comment by Eric Mayer — December 31, 2005 @ 5:05 pm
They are indeed some of the best resolutions I’ve heard. Wishes for all the best in the year ahead.
Comment by susan — January 1, 2006 @ 4:28 am
Your questions are ones I constantly ask myself! Great post, Barbara…
Comment by violetismycolor — January 1, 2006 @ 3:07 pm
I, too, applaud you for your insight and caring. How would you measure if you’ve achieved your goals? By your writings? By the depths of friendships and relationships with family members? By the number of times you’ve laughed till you cried? By the people who mirror back to you the love you try to live yourself?
Comment by Rhubarb — January 1, 2006 @ 7:50 pm
Thanks, all. There may be nothing to measure in any tangible way, but these are still easier resolutions to make than to keep. They still require checking up on myself.
Comment by Barbara W. Klaser — January 2, 2006 @ 10:32 am
We broke tradition this New Year’s and stayed up until midnight entertaining a mini family reunion. We had a blast – even cleared some space for dancing to Smokey Robinson and Van Morrison. Got a little crazy, but it was good crazy. Alas, I was so busy cooking and sprucing up the house, I neglected to make time to determine any New Year’s resolutions. Thus, I am adopting yours – good thoughts and deeds to strive for. Happy New Year to all!
Comment by Reenie — January 3, 2006 @ 8:46 am
My one resolution has always been to not make resolutions — but that doesn’t keep me from hoping for a better, more promising year ahead. A happy, hopeful 2006 to all!
Comment by blogdog — January 3, 2006 @ 4:42 pm
I don’t really do resolutions, but I certainly respect people who do. I am too disorganized to remember to do them, I think.
Comment by violetismycolor — January 3, 2006 @ 9:54 pm