My cat Emily likes to use an old dart board as a scratching post, a habit that doesn’t concern us, since a previous owner had her declawed, so it doesn’t damage the dart board at all. If I were a stiff old dart board that had had its share of pointy things thrown at it through the years, I wouldn’t mind a little cat paw massage now and then either.
We don’t play darts much anymore. It’s just leaning there against something else because when we moved into this smaller house from a larger one we couldn’t think where else to keep it.
Today I watched Emily lean up against it and give it the once over with her toes, and I wondered why she likes it so much. Then I noticed the brand name at the top. “Pub Master” has a part of the “b” in “Pub” worn out so that it almost looks like a crippled “h” — or an “r”. Do you suppose she thinks it says Pur Master and translates that as Purr Master?
Surely you’re not implying that cats can’ spell. My cat is offended!!
Comment by Eric Mayer — September 18, 2006 @ 9:46 am
Heavens no. But Emily probably thinks whoever painted the name on there couldn’t spell.
Comment by Barbara — September 18, 2006 @ 6:10 pm
I think a de-clawed cat makes a better pet. You don’t have to keep chasing them from furniture, or dart boards.
Purr master - what a great name for a scratching “board”
Comment by cassie-b — September 19, 2006 @ 4:12 am
Of course cats can spell-mine casts spells all the time. You can almost hear the buzz in the air. Wait. There *is* a buzz in the air. A purr.
Comment by Sarah — September 20, 2006 @ 11:34 am