Mystery of a Shrinking Violet

musings, reviews, and writings of Barbara W. Klaser


Hair Raiser by Nancy J. Cohen

Filed under: — Barbara @ 12:00 pm

Marla Shore has been helping her cousin Cynthia organize Taste of the World, a benefit for Ocean Guard. The experience becomes a Hair Raiser for Marla, when the chefs she’s recruited are frightened out of participating. Marla needs to know who is sabotaging the gala event. After the lawyer handling the trust is murdered, Marla and her cousin want to know who is polluting the wetlands that are protected, and soon to be inherited, by Ocean Guard. Could it be the person who benefits if Ocean Guard doesn’t inherit? Marla is threatened, and someone leaves a bloody package on her front doorstep, then later breaks into her house and frightens her little dog away. Detective Dalton Vail wants her to stop snooping. Needless to say, Marla doesn’t. Later Marla is nearly killed by an unseen assailant. She must get to the bottom of this now! This is a fast-paced, fun story, with an ending that borders on shivery-creepy. HAIR RAISER left me wanting to know Marla Shore better. Marla’s little dog Spooks - a sassy poodle - seems the perfect pet for a plucky hair stylist. If I ever get to Palm Haven, Florida, I think I’ll have my hair done at Cut ‘N Dye, and try out some of those restaurants….

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