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musings, thoughts, and writings of Barbara W. Klaser

July 31, 2001

Before I Say Goodbye by Mary Higgins Clark

Before I Say Goodbye by Mary Higgins Clark started out slow for me, mainly because I don’t consider politicians all that intriguing. However, I kept reading and I’m glad I did. The mystery’s solution was creepy. It gave me the shivers. I’m tempted to tell, so I’d better stop right there. I will say that I love a mystery where the author gets me to actually allow the real murderer to cross my mind as a possibility, then gets me to dismiss them, only to have them turn out to be *the one*, later on, with a feeling of complete justification for both my suspicion and my surprise. This makes for a very satisfying read. I also like the touch of romance in all of Mary Higgins Clark’s novels.

— Barbara @ rudimentary 5:33 pm PST, 07/31/01

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