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November 27, 2008

Thankful for rain, I think

Yet another weather blog. That seems to be all I have to write about recently, for which I apologize.

There’s an old saying about rain in California, that it doesn’t rain but it pours. Last night and this morning are a perfect example of that, here in my vicinity, and a day or two earlier with the evacuations of burned areas north of here for fear of mudslides.

After Election Day — the results of which pleased me extremely on the presidential front — we settled into another hot, dry spell with high temperatures in the 90s for too many days to count. I’m trying to put them out of my mind now, but I think this was the first year I ever used the air conditioner here as late as the third week of November. October is supposed to begin our rainy season.

Now the rain. No, now the RAIN. Last night it was so loud it woke me three different times, and once scared the cat so she wailed something about whether the sky might be falling and needed to be reassured. I gave her a hug. (I needed a little reassurance myself.) It wasn’t windy. The noise was just rain. Lots of it.

This morning it’s still raining, but it’s a less frenzied kind of rain. There seems to be less rush to dump all the moisture in the sky on us at once. My estimate is that we might have gotten two inches last night. But I don’t have a rain gauge, so I’ll have to verify that. It sounded like two inches!

And yes, I meant what I said in that last post. Now Tara is nearly 8 months old (Saturday the 29th), and this is her second rain. It’s her first really big rain, since that Election Day rain turned out to be merely a wimpy drizzle after all. And now our fire season is officially over — until the next long dry spell, which hopefully won’t begin until July. The reservoirs are low, so we could use quite a lot of rain this year in Southern California, as well as a nice thick snow pack in the Sierras. Besides, our amazing, intrepid firefighters need a vacation.

In spite of this being a much bigger rain than I hoped for, I’m grateful. The sun is peeking out between clouds now, and I’m wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, have a wonderful day!

— Barbara @ rudimentary 11:06 am PST, 11/27/08


  1. Eric Mayer says:

    Well, I write far too much about the weather. People always start letters talking about the weather, or remark on it while making small talk. So, come to think of it, maybe people are just generally interested in the weather. We live in it after all. And I have to say, what I hate about the weather here is ice. I don’t like driving on ice and the way the house is situated I rarely have to because any ice keeps me from getting to the road to begin with. But, heck, better ice than fire. I’ll try to remind myself of that this winter. Must be a relief to be through that season again.

  2. Sarah says:

    Thank you, and the same to you. Isn’t the rain wonderful? Jasmine would have loved it.

  3. violetismycolor says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I think rain/weather is very important. It can set the mood for the day. It can make things soft and verdant. I actually like hearing the rain on the roof; to me it is calming.

  4. creechman says:

    Stop mentioning RAIN! My roof still has not been replaced after hurricane Ike. :/ But I’ve got a wonderful blue tarp…

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