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musings, thoughts, and writings of Barbara W. Klaser

July 20, 2009

Move over piano man

Piano cat wants to play. (Click on photos for larger views.)

Tara 01 Tara 02

Let’s see, this note is … here …

Tara 03

Darn humans with cameras! I’m outta here.

— Barbara @ rudimentary 12:04 pm PST, 07/20/09


  1. cassie-b says:

    Cute - Smokey Joe has never developed musical skills.

  2. Barbara says:

    cassie-b — I’m not sure most people would call what Tara does musical, but I’m pretty sure she thinks it is. This was one of the few times she sat on the bench to play, and looked so human about it. Usually she sits on top of the piano and reaches down to the keyboard with her paws. She’s shy about it, nearly always waiting until we’re out of the room. She also did it more before she was fully grown. But she does love music, unlike Emily, who hated it and would hide her head under a blanket when I practiced my guitar. Tara sometimes gets very excited when Ken plays the piano, and runs around the house. Or if she’s in a more restful mode she’ll lie on the floor beside him while he plays. Sometimes her behavior seems to depend on the mood of the music being played, so I would say it’s more than just sounds to her.

    Once when she was upset (about our new adopted cat, Raven) and acting stressed, I played my guitar softly — not really music but just some soothing sounds, and she came over and lay down beside me and instantly seemed more relaxed. I guess it’s therapy for her. :)

  3. Ken says:

    Shades of Zez Confrey.

  4. Eric Mayer says:

    Funny. Are her paws on the right keys? I can’t read music.

    From what you say in the comments she might actually have an intent to make music like the humans. Wow.

  5. Sarah says:

    She has really become a beauty. I hope she and the new adoptee reconcile peacefully.

  6. Reenie says:

    Encore! Encore!

  7. Catherine says:

    What a beautiful cat! I am sure she is very talented too. Look at that gorgeous fluffy tail.

  8. gilbert says:

    Nice cat!really loves to play piano huh..

  9. Ryan says:

    Those pictures are too cute. Love it

  10. Wendy says:

    What great photos - our cat “plays” sometimes but I’ve never managed to catch her on the camera yet. Think I’m gonna have to set up some kind of sensor to snap her when I’m not there as she’s a bit camera shy too!

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