I did not intend to leave the blog hanging for so long. Blame it on the passage of time, which seems so often to run away from me these days.
I’ve been busy, but with what I’m at a loss to tell you. I have not been writing, not fiction at least. I have become somewhat addicted to Facebook and at least one game there. If I’m spending a lot of time there, though, I would have to blame it more on their slow site than on avid interest in what’s on offer, except for keeping in touch with some special people, and well, yeah, workin’ my farm. Ahem. My name is Barbara and I am a FarmVille addict.
I’ve been reading a little. Right now I’m in the middle of The Interpretation of Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise von Franz. Before that I enjoyed Sepulchre by Kate Mosse.
I started knitting a pair of socks.
But spring is here, and it’s so beautiful outdoors that one can’t help but spend a lot of time gazing out windows when indoors, or being outdoors enjoying our spring weather. The hooded orioles arrived in from Mexico in March this year. March! I don’t remember them ever being here so early. The weeds arrived early, as usual, with our several deluges of rain late in the season. Flowers, flowers everywhere, and birds. We’ve spotted a goldfinch or two. A pair of red-tailed hawks honored us with a close encounter a few days ago. Raven (the black cat) added a few more head counts to his distinction in the neighborhood as a gopher hunter. It’s a ghastly business, killing gophers, but as a result of his eradication efforts my poppies aren’t getting eaten as soon as they bloom. Aloe vera blooms, in a spray of soft orange flowers, outside the nearest window as I write this, and hummingbirds hover frequently there to take sips of nectar. This is way too much distraction from blogging for me. But I’ll try to return here sooner next time.