The Conservative Pledge To Encourage Big Companies To Send Jobs Away
I think the article says it all. You can follow links here to find out which politicians have signed it.
The Conservative Pledge To Encourage Big Companies To Send Jobs Away
I think the article says it all. You can follow links here to find out which politicians have signed it.
It’s all very sad and more than a little frightening. Rule by angry mob. I wonder if those of us who aren’t so gullible feel like many in Nazi Germany felt? We are carried along, unable to do anything, while ignorant, hate filled bigots carry us all towards the edge of the cliff. I am glad to be sixty. I don’t like to think what sort of country young people will find themselves in when they are my age.
Eric, I’ve had the same thoughts. It’s so easy for anger to become resentment, and then hatred, and for hatred to get out of control. It feels as if we’re at some kind of tipping point right now, on the edge of a precipice.
Barbara, your words about anger reminded me of a great essay I just read (”anger” is repeated twice in the essay). It paints a slightly different picture. I don’t think I can adequately or accurately summarize the well expressed thoughts here.
Just in case we fall off that precipice in the next few moments, I need to tell you how much I love you, and most of all — thank you for being my dearest friend.